08 Feb 22

Step one in improving your OT security: “Know what you have”

Step one in improving your OT security: "Know what you have" The need for OT security is becoming bigger and...

16 Dec 21

Step zero in improving your OT security

Step zero in improving your OT security: don't do anything else before this. Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) such...

13 Dec 21

The importance of network visibility

The importance of network visibility Software is man-made. And everything man-made contains flaws. Because of the complexity of most software,...

10 Sep 21

The future of infrastructure lies in code

The future of infrastructure lies in code Do you remember setting up complex clusters which involved a lot of manual...

31 Aug 21

The next step in web app security

The next step in web app security In shortTo improve the security of your web services, ACME can be used...

16 Aug 21

Spinae successfully guides customer to ISO 27001 certification​

Spinae successfully guides customer to ISO 27001 certification Recently we successfully completed a guidance process in which Spinae, together with...